If you like the Zero One theme, and you would like to feature it on your website or blog, or promote it in any other way, and earn money along the way, now there is a way to do it.
You can apply on the following page
How that works?
In brief:
You will have to create a Gumroad account
Add your PayPal data for receiving the money
And you will get an affiliate link that looks something like this:
Note the "/a/" in it. That signifies that this is an affiliate link. You share that link with the world.
When a customer clicks that link, their browser is "cookied" for 30 days. If they buy the Zero One theme within 30 days, you are is credited with the sale. The affiliate percentage is 10% of the price. If you have some special sales funnel (website, blog, newsletter, etc) that has significant quality, you can contact us, and we can discuss raising the affiliate percentage.
Payouts are weekly, usually on Friday, and the amount must be higher than $10. So if it is lower than $10 it will be transferred to the next week's payout, and so on, until the $10 mark is passed.
Last updated