Site options

Site options contain

  • Site Brand Settings

  • Navbar options

  • Header options

  • Shop options

  • Social links options

  • Footer and copyright options

  • Page transitions

  • Cookie consent options

  • Caching options

  • SEO global options

  • Translatable site labels

  • And more

Everything is straightforward and well commented on and you shouldn't have any problems there.

Maybe just a few notes:

Site Name

The first thing you must do is change the Site name. The site name is displayed in the SEO Meta titles, and footer copyright.

Just click on it and change it to your website name.

Site Author

Beware that the Site Author serves as a backup if the article doesn't have the Author selected. So, if you have the Site Author field empty you can have an error when trying to view the Article page.

Also, make sure to add your email to the Email field. The contact form will send messages to that email.

There are many options for the navbar, make sure to check them all out.

Mobile navigation settings

Top bar options

The header also has many options, note that if you add a header background image it will show up on every page. But you have header options on individual pages that can override these.

Projects cover image

Set the size for the project cover image

Shop options

Set various shop options.

If you choose links -- your "social menu" can also become ordinary navigation.

If you choose icons -- You MUST enter Platform names right as they are, to be converted to icons.

Make sure to test all options the footer has. It is possible to create almost any footer layout.

There are two approaches to footer creation, choose what suits you best.

Enable the Cookie Consent popup on your website.

Performance settings

Turn on/off scripts cachebusting.

Misc Settings

Enable typed text script for Typed text block, and Enable syntax highlighting for Code block.

Page transitions

This option adds smooth page transitions without a browser refresh.

Media settings

This option influences what files you can select in the file select fields. Search through only page files or site-wide.

Last updated