Form Builder (Premium)

Create your forms in any way you want, right from with the panel!

Zero One Form Builder is a product of cooperation between us and Roman Gsponer, creator of the Kirby Form Block Suite plugin.

This is a special, customized, and extended, version of his plugin and requires a special license. Our Form Builder is only usable with Zero One and has a special discounted price. License is only acquired from within the Zero One Form Builder block panel.

If you need support for Zero One Form Builder you can only write to us, Roman is not responsible for Zero One Form Builder support.

Check out the video tutorial below on how Form Builder works:

Sending email

By default the sending email is: no-reply@[the root url of your website]

If you want to add custom address, add the code below in the config, of course with your data

'microman.formblock' => [
    'from_email' => ["" => "John Doe"]

Config options

Learn more about all possible Form Builder Config options

Email server setup (Sending issues)

If your server allows sending PHP emails, everything will work out of the box.

But for security reasons more and more servers don't allow this, so you need to connect your Kirby website to your email SMTP server. So you will need to add some Kirby Config Email options to your website config file.

Learn more about possible options:

Translating messages

Although we added some options in the Form Builder block itself, there are some that you will need to translate by adding options to your website Config file.

Learn more about it:

Last updated