Tricks with image classes

If you are just starting out with Kirby, please first check out what is possible with Kirbytext image tag

Image width

You can use inbuilt width classes to contain image width. See available classes


# The image will take half of parent container
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-width-1-2)

# The image will take quoter of parent container
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-width-1-4)

Image align

Also, a very useful class is the align class, see available here

They are best used when combined with image width classes.

Example when you want to contain image width to half of the parent container width and align it right:

# Half of parent container width, and align right
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-width-1-2 uk-align-right)

Example when you want to add an icon or smaller image and align it center:

# Quoter of parent container width, and align center
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-width-1-4 uk-align-center)


Your design often needs some control over margin space, and that is when margin classes comes handy

# Quoter of parent container width, and align center, with bottom margin
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-margin-bottom uk-width-1-4 uk-align-center)

The same classes you can add to the Editor image class option.

Remove the left or right margin

You can make a negative margin (of -40px) to image with the following classes:

# Negative margin left
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-container-item-padding-remove-left)

# Negative margin right
(image: myawesomepicture.jpg class: uk-container-item-padding-remove-right)

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